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My Life, My Fotos

Heroes' Square - Budapest, Hungary (July 1, 2018) Heroes' Square Location : Budapest, Hősök tere, 1146 Hungary with Pentax K-1 + FA 43mm F1.9 Limited https://terms.naver.com/entry.naver?docId=1280278&cid=40942&categoryId=40501 영웅광장 헝가리 부다페스트에 있는 광장. 헝가리 건국 1000년을 기념하기 위해 1896년에 지어진 광장이다. 광장 중앙에는 36m 높이의 기둥이 있는데, 꼭대기에는 가브리엘 대천사의 조각상이 있다. 기둥 옆 terms.naver.com 헝가리 건국 1000년을 기념하기 위해 1896년에 지어진 광장이다. 광장 중앙에는 36m 높이의 기둥이 있는데, 꼭대기에는 가브리엘 대천사의 조각상이 있다...
Museum of Fine Arts - Budapest, Hungary (July 1, 2018) Museum of Fine Arts (Szépművészeti Múzeum) - Neoclassical art museum with an Egyptian collection, Renaissance frescoes & 19th-century paintings. Location : Budapest, Dózsa György út 41, 1146 Hungary with Pentax K-1 + FA 43mm F1.9 Limited
Heroes' Square - Budapest, Hungary (July 1, 2018) Location : Budapest, Hősök tere, 1146 Hungary with Pentax K-1 + FA 43mm F1.9 Limited
Vajdahunyad Castle - Budapest, Hungary (July 1, 2018) Vajdahunyad Castle Location : Budapest, Vajdahunyad stny., 1146 Hungary Vajdahunyad Castle (Hungarian: Vajdahunyad vára) is a castle in the City Park of Budapest, Hungary. It was built in 1896[1] as part of the Millennial Exhibition which celebrated the 1,000 years of Hungary since the Hungarian Conquest of the Carpathian Basin in 895. The castle was designed by Ignác Alpár to feature copies of ..
Szechenyi Thermal Bath - Budapest, Hungary (July 1, 2018) Szechenyi Thermal Bath (Széchenyi fürdő) Location: Budapest, 1146 Hungary 안에 들어가보싶었으나 수영복을 가져오지 못한 관계로.... with Pentax K-1 + FA 43mm F1.9 Limited
Chain Bridge & Shoes on the Danube Bank - Budapest, Hungary (June 30, 2018) Chain Bridge & Shoes on the Danube Bank 다뉴브 강가의 신발들에서 바라본 세체니 다리 Location : Budapest, Id. Antall József rkp., 1054, Hungary * Shoes on the Danube Bank 2차 세계대전 중 강에서 파시스트에게 목숨을 잃은 이들을 추모하는 수변의 신발 모양 조각품. Waterside shoe sculptures memorializing those killed at the river by a fascist party during WWII. with Pentax K-1 + FA 43mm F1.9 Limited
Hungarian Parliament - Budapest, Hungary (June 30, 2018) A nighttime view of the Hungarian Parliament Location : Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 1-3, 1055, Hungary with Pentax K-1 + FA 43mm F1.9 Limited
Endre Ady Statue - Budapest, Hungary (June 30, 2018) Statue of Endre Ady (November 22, 1877 - January 27, 1919) Location : Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 12, 1061 Hungary https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endre_Ady Endre Ady - Wikipedia Hungarian poet For his birth village, now called Ady Endre, see Căuaş. Endre Ady (Hungarian: diósadi Ady András Endre, archaic English: Andrew Ady,[1] 22 November 1877 – 27 January 1919) was a turn-of-the-century Hungarian..
